DNS Security Check Webapp

DNS Security Check Webapp
DNS Security Check

Just finished the development of the web service application to check DNS Security configuration.
It is live and reachable at: https://dns-sec-check.n4v.eu/

This web application helps you verify the validity of DNSSEC and TLSA configurations for your domains and services, ensuring enhanced security and reliability.

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DNSSEC and TLSA Overview

DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions)

DNSSEC adds a layer of security to the DNS by enabling DNS responses to be authenticated. It ensures the integrity and authenticity of DNS data, protecting against DNS spoofing and cache poisoning attacks. For more detailed information, you can refer to the following RFCs:

TLSA (Transport Layer Security Authentication)

TLSA records are used in DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) to specify which TLS certificates are authorized for a given service. This allows clients to verify the server's certificate directly through DNS, bypassing traditional Certificate Authorities (CAs). For more information, you can refer to: