Electronics truSDX Audio Amplifier The (tr)uSDX is a 5-Band / Mulitmode QRP Transceiver in Pocket Format (90x60x30mm – 140g). It features a highly efficient Class E PA and Supports CW/LSB/USB and AM/FM. It covers by default 80/60/40/30/20m. Have a look at https://dl2man.de/ for more information. The
DNS DNS Security Check Webapp Just finished the development of the web service application to check DNS Security configuration. It is live and reachable at: https://dns-sec-check.n4v.eu/ This web application helps you verify the validity of DNSSEC and TLSA configurations for your domains and services, ensuring enhanced security and reliability. DNSSEC and TLSA
KI Microsoft's Copilot is a Woman I've got a little boring minutes ago and it came to my sense to ask Microsoft Copilot something about its gender. Then I've asked: If you have to choose a gender, what would you prefer to choose? Ok, I had to create some scenario corresponding to
Linux DNS OPENPGPKEY Shell Oneliner with GnuPG To generate the DNS Zone entries for your OpenPGP/GnuPGP (GPG) public keys, you can use this shell script: domains="example.com google.com" for at in $domains ; do gpg -K | grep "$at" | sed 's/^.*<\(.*\)@.*>$/\1/' |\ while read n ; do echo "
C++ C++ IDE Visual Studio Code on Linux After installing the required tools, there is preferably an IDE for developing the C++ code and building projects. Have a look at https://code.visualstudio.com/! The RPM repository is ... zypper ar "https://packages.microsoft.com/yumrepos/vscode/vscode-yum.repo" Afterwards zypper in code. My C++ workspace uses
C++ Installing C++ Development Tools Continuing on my C++ journey from some days ago... I am currently using OpenSUSE Linux Leap 15.5. After some consideration I decided to go for GCC version 14 from the devel:/gcc-repo: zypper ar -p 101 "https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/gcc/openSUSE_Leap_15.5/devel:
Entwicklung Lovely collection of .gitignore Maybe you know the GitHub repository already. But at github/gitignore there is lovely collection of .gitignore files for every context you might look for.
C++ Pilgrimage back to C++ I think the title of the pilgrimage back to C++ is a nice allegory. The last use of the programming language for more than bug fixing and small extensions for other OpenSource projects probably goes back to the standard C++98 and the version change from Qt 4 to 5.
Rust Simple task-thread-pool This simple task-thread-pool for Rust is for tasks like shearing sheeps. It uses a limited amount of threads from the pool to handle every task implementing trait TaskRunner. Threads will be reused if there are more tasks available. It is using crate log to log errors, debugs and traces. //! Simple
Web Is this intention, lovely press? Why you create annoying paywalls, you don't have to pay for? It's a matter of 2 clicks plus writing once none... And once block... Because this has been so obvious, you can't believe by mistake. Up to now this has been funny, but there
Entwicklung Cool new VS Code debug feature in v1.86 In version 1.86 VS Code got a really nice and welcome new feature for debug sessions. How often I had to disable debug break points because I don't want to break 1 million loops before the 1 interesting is coming. And then enable the breaks just in
Rust Rust macro for dyn Trait Clones With this Rust macro... #[macro_export] macro_rules! box_dyn_clone { ($vis:vis, $name:ident, $t:ident) => { #[doc = "Cloneable `Iterator` trait"] $vis trait $name { #[doc = "Clones `Box<dyn ...>`"] fn box_dyn_clone(&self) -> Box<dyn $t>; } impl<
Node.js Be careful with mixing TypeScript and JavaScript In TypeScript you can use the same private class features like in JavaScript since ES2021. So far so good. Depending on the compiler options target during compiling TS to JS there might be added some generated JS-code to handle private-fields in JS and this needs to be remembered when modifying
Rust My Advent of Code in Rust This December I code the really funny Advent of Code (AoC) puzzles using the Rust compiler language. The half is over It is Mon, December 13th and the first half of puzzle pairs is over. Today I had to provide some coding solution to fold Origami to a paper, seeing
Rust Rocket with local git checkout At the moment you should start development with the Rust Rocket framework at the 0.5-RC versions. There has been many changes to the latest stable 0.4 version and the new release is awaited soon. To stay up-to-date at the release cycle I think it is a good idea
Entwicklung Donaukurier Sudoku 07/14/2021 For winning 25€ in the Sudoku of our newspaper Donaukurier there is a chance up to midnight. ;-) I've optimized my rsudoku application to be as fast as 0.006 seconds to solve the Donaukurier Sudoku from the last post.
Rust Daily Sudoku of Donaukurier cracked I'm currently fiddling around with a Sudoku puzzle solver implemented in Rust language. At the moment it needs some more optimizing in handling very difficult grid templates with an acceptable memory footprint. But it is fast enough for the daily Sudoku puzzle in our newspaper Donaukurier. After the
Rust Permutate vector values There is my Rust Playground to an iterative and the looping variants of vector permutation in Rust language. As known the iterative variant is a little bit faster.
Linux Howdy - Face authentication for Linux A few days ago I've added a little bit of OpenCV-based Artificial Intelligence to my Linux laptop. I've been wondering about the password prompt and ever and ever typing in this password after resume from sleep. But auto-login without password doesn't seem to be
Rust Rustlings 4.4.0 exercises A boring week started and I used the time for trying out Rustlings. These are small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code. Quite interesting how this tool works and gives you some hints on features of Rust. Got it successfully finished in short time. >
Rust Load your rusty Cargo There exist some comfortable must-have add-ons for the Rust programming language crate package manager Cargo. Check if you have them installed with command cargo --list! 1. cargo-audit Audit Cargo.lock files for crates with security vulnerabilities reported to the RustSec Advisory Database. 2. cargo-deny cargo-deny is a cargo plugin that
Electronics Inspace ARISS SSTV Diploma With my SSTV radio activity (see here) I've received an Inspace ARISS SSTV Diploma by the Indonesian Space Explorer Club https://www.inspace.club/ for my receive of the SSTV shot 7/12 on January 28th 2021 by International Space Station station RS0ISS. Many thanks for the organisation
Electronics International Space Station SSTV part 2 Today, Friday, Jan 29th 2021 is the 2nd day of the ISS project Inter-MAI-75 in transmitting SSTV via 2m Amateurradio band around frequency 145.800MHz. See also part 1 of the story... I think the idea of the transmitted pictures is the memento to the Salyut 7 Space Station. 30
Electronics ISS International Space Station SSTV Today the International Space Station (ISS) has done some SSTV transmissions on 145.800MHz downlink. Update: For part 2 see here! Slow-scan television (SSTV) is a picture transmission method, used mainly by amateur radio operators, to transmit and receive static pictures via radio in monochrome or color. A literal term
Docker Use container healthcheck for security Docker containers provide the healthcheck feature, which can be scripted individually for every container. The official use case is to check if the service(s) is/are responding and working correctly in the container. But it is also important that your container is secure. It is never a good idea